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Bike Tours For Long Weekends


Bike Tours For Long Weekends


Bike Tours For Long Weekends

Photo: Zeitfixierer, CC BY-SA 2.0

Rolling gently through the countryside on sleepy cycle ways; along rivers and past lakes, you’ll need a moment to take it all in—alongside a lungful of that fresh, clean air. You stop where you want and pick up the pedalling when you just can’t wait to feel the tickle of the breeze on your skin. This is what long weekends are for: Extended rides on your favorite two-wheeler, and after mini-getaways like this, you always feel as though you were away for more than just a few days: Relaxed, focused and completely revitalized. And the best part? Where you go doesn’t matter—as the kilometers roll on, the landscape changes and you always discover something new. To get you started, we’ve prepared some inspiration anyway.

Where you go doesn’t matter—as the kilometers roll on, the landscape changes and you always discover something new.

Bike Tours For You

Choose from our ready-to-go Collections with handpicked Tours and lots of handy information, created by passionate people like you.

The Rain valley cycle path — 4 days through the Bavarian Forest

Bike Touring Collection by Johanna

Where flat Cycling is a guarantee – day trips in Emsland

Bike Touring Collection by Emsland Tourismus GmbH

A long weekend on the Diemelradweg cycling route

Bike Touring Collection by Diemelradweg

Odenwald-Madonnen-Radweg – 4 days along chapels and nature

Bike Touring Collection by Odenwald-Madonnen-Radweg

4 stages on the Ilm Valley cycle path through Thuringia

Bike Touring Collection by Ilmtal-Radweg

On the Auerbergland@Venture Route in 3 stages through the foothills of the Alps

Bike Touring Collection by Auerbergland_venture-route

Lovely Tauber Valley — the Tauber Valley Cycle Path in 3 stages

Bike Touring Collection by Liebliches Taubertal

The Berlin Wall Trail in 3 stages

Bike Touring Collection by Berliner Mauerweg

3 days of bike crossing in the Black Forest

Mountain Biking Collection by komoot

Berlin - Usedom: to the seaside in 4 days

Bike Touring Collection by Zoe von Rambling Rocks

Cycling and e-biking alongside five lakes in Carinthia

Bike Touring Collection by Kärnten Werbung

The 15 most beautiful themed bike Tours in Germany’s Ammerland

Bike Touring Collection by Ammerland Touristik

How To Stow Your Stuff

Bike Bags Or Backpack?

If you are planning to ride with a backpack, try it out beforehand on long rides. Even the lightest backpack can lead to pain and tension after a while. Bike bags aren’t cheap, but they will be your friends for years.

Classic Panniers Or Frame Packs?

This decision depends mainly on whether you want to (and can) put a rack on your bike and how much stuff you want to bring. The advantage of frame packs is that they don’t need screws or other measures – you simply strap them to your frame. However, they carry less volume than classic panniers, which are attached to a rack.

Front Or Back Rack?

This depends on your personal taste. Classically they are attached to the back of your bike, however, this makes the riding experience more cumbersome. Having a front rack will make your bike more agile, but it takes a while to get used to the steering behaviour. Of course, you can use front and back racks to bring more equipment, but be aware that you will feel every gram on long distances. You don’t need as much stuff as you think!

Where to sleep?

Classic Accommodation

Bike-friendly accomodation in Germany: www.cycling-friendly.com


Less luggage, showers and toilets, plan from home


Costs money, inflexible destination, less wilderness

Cycling Community

Cyclists house cyclists: www.dachgeber.de and www.warmshowers.org


Make new friends, less luggage, showers and toilets, plan from home


Inflexible destination, you need to be a people person



#Campvibes but still showers and toilets, plan from home


Costs money, inflexible destination, often doubtful aesthetics, you are not alone

Check List

Clothes For Riding

  • Pants that let you sit in the saddle for many kilometers
  • Underwear without seams (alternative: cycling pants)
  • Shirt or jersey
  • Rain jacket
  • Sunglasses
  • Sun protection for your head (e.g. helmet)
  • Shoes to ride in

Clothes For The Evening

  • Comfy pants
  • Underwear
  • Shirt
  • Sweatshirt or fleece
  • Comfy light shoes


  • Patch kit
  • Pump
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Containers for at least 1,5l of water
  • Snacks for the road

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